We have now the possibilty to ask people what the content of the packages.x86_64 file is and learn from it.
On Discord we have a separate channel for Arch Linux Calamares Installer or ALCI.
On that channel we can exchange configs via https://pastebin.com.
That is exactly what we did and this is the result. It will be a plasma system with extra packages.
This is the packages list I have used in the video coming from a TechXero on Discord.
There are double packages in there and I left them in on purpose.
It really does not matter if you type “plasma” 5 times.
It will just be installed 5 times. It takes longer. Nothing more.
Packages that exists only on the AUR can not be included.
Packages that conflict with each other can not be included.
You will get an error message if you do.
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